Thursday, January 17, 2008

Less than 24 hours til go time!

So, here I am, sitting at work. My heart's starting to race a bit, and I feel physically and mentally exhausted. Not surprising, I guess. Tomorrow at 9am is my surgery. I have to be there at 7:30am, which means I have to leave the house about an hour (or a little more) before hand. Very exciting, I know.

I'm more than a bit freaked out for sure, and what bothers me a bit more is that my husband won't really talk to me about his concerns. On one hand, I guess that's good, as his concerns may freak me out. But the other hand wants him to be open with me instead of locking it all up.

So, hopefully you'll have another post from me in a couple of days--perhaps when I'm coherent enough to remember who I am and type crap on a page.

Until then...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Getting ready

Four days from now, my surgery will be just about over. I'm still nervous, but not enough to back out. I'm looking forward to it being over but will admit I'm a bit nervous about the recovery as well. I can't lock myself in the bedroom for 2 months so my dogs can't say hi. I wouldn't want to, anyway. I just hope I don't have complications from a 140 pound dog knocking into me or something...oh well. I guess I'll just have to trust that they'll figure it out. They don't tend to jump on the pregnant women who come by, so perhaps they'll notice something is different with me, too.

I am looking forward to the upcoming new addition to our family as well. If all goes well, we'll have our 4th dog, 2nd Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, with us in early May. Early thoughts for name are Inigo, Irish Stout, and Ajax. The breeder would like an I name as this is the I litter, but we'll see what happens. I like Itabit too, but I don't think Dan does.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Too much stress

I'm having a "cosmetic procedure" done on 1/18. While I'm happy and excited about it, I'm a bit freaked out, as I suppose most people would/should be. Part of the problem is that I've been fairly open with friends and family about it, so now when I talk with people, that's all they want to talk about. Does this make things stressful? Sure. Is it my fault? Absolutely. I should have taken the secrecy angle, but I thought if I was more open about it, it would be easier and more real, and I'd come to terms with it faster. Oh well, done is done and I'll move on. I've always been one of those "tell it like it is" people, so I've just been telling people that I really don't want to talk about it at this point and they seem to get the picture. From what one or two people have said, the women are asking about it because they are a bit envious and would like to have it done.

So now I'm at work, having a hard time concentrating, but not having too much to do anyway. Bad combination, as I appear to be blogging instead of trying to find work to do.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

First post

Yay! It's my first blog post. More on this later, I guess...