Thursday, January 17, 2008

Less than 24 hours til go time!

So, here I am, sitting at work. My heart's starting to race a bit, and I feel physically and mentally exhausted. Not surprising, I guess. Tomorrow at 9am is my surgery. I have to be there at 7:30am, which means I have to leave the house about an hour (or a little more) before hand. Very exciting, I know.

I'm more than a bit freaked out for sure, and what bothers me a bit more is that my husband won't really talk to me about his concerns. On one hand, I guess that's good, as his concerns may freak me out. But the other hand wants him to be open with me instead of locking it all up.

So, hopefully you'll have another post from me in a couple of days--perhaps when I'm coherent enough to remember who I am and type crap on a page.

Until then...

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